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Provisional Patent - Protecting Idea on Budget

Provisional Patent

💡Protecting your idea on a shoestring budget can be daunting.

💰In a world where ideas are dime a dozen and institutional investors don't sign NDAs, sharing your idea becomes inevitable.

Whether it's for finding a cofounder, validating your concept, or other reasons, the need to socialize your idea is real.

🍎 But not all ideas are created equal; some are the result of years of research and hard work, not just apples falling on your head.

🧠I recently came across a valuable suggestion from Balaji during a call with first-time founders.

He recommended starting with a provisional patent—a cost-effective alternative to a full patent application.

🔒With a provisional patent, you have a year to conduct due diligence and research before filing the complete application.

📝Some attorneys even offer to file patents for free, charging only once you secure funding. It's an option worth exploring.

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. Please consult a legal advisor or attorney for clarification.


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